In a high tech world, we are sometimes tempted to quantify, define and plan with a hopeful certainty about the outcomes. It is common for leaders and teams to specify a view of the future or of the market and create surefire (they hope) means to be successful. It is also common for people to assume that all within an organization are disposed to work together enthusiastically and seamlessly.
Plan A will lead to 30% sales growth this year! Our new product will blunt Competitor X’s market share and result in 10% incremental profit. All we have to do is get everyone on board with the new strategy, shift the execution focus and convince the potential customers and we will win!!
We do similar things in competitive intelligence. We start with a noble goal of understanding what every significant competitor is trying to do. Add to that knowledge of the market forces at play. Then, almost magically we hope, the organization will snap to attention to devise the tactics needed to overcome the competitive gaps (leading to the 30% sales growth, of course). More than that, we will be universally welcomed for our valuable contribution to the organization. Let the praise rain down on our heads.
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